Destination Sign Art: Vineyard
Original line art from the Pacific Electric “Vineyard” destination sign. Jack Finn Collection
1204 at Covina
Pacific Electric interurban no. 1204 pulls into the old Southern Pacific Covina station (used for a short time in 1946-47 by Pacific Electric). Note the “Azusa Ave. One Mile” sign in [...]
Destination Sign Art: 12th & Hill Street Only
Pacific Electric destination sign line art for the “12th & Hill Street Only” sign. Jack Finn Collection
1223 for Covina
Pacific Electric interurbans (led by no. 1223) idle poles down at Covina station in this Eastern Division shot from the 1946-47 timeframe. Location and description changed per comments below Jack [...]
Aliso Street
Looking east along Aliso Street where today the 101 Hollywood Freeway has completely obliterated this location to the point that the only similarities that may be found with today’s view is [...]
Destination Sign Art: Echo Park Line
Original line art used to create the Pacific Electric’s Echo Park Line destination signs. Jack Finn Collection
Bridge No. 15 near Mt. Lowe Calif.
A vintage picture postcard (made from a retouched photograph) reading “Bridge No. 15 near Mt. Lowe Calif.” Jack Finn Collection
Main Street near Sixth
A vintage picture postcard, made from a heavily retouched photographic original, “Main Street near Sixth, looking South, Los Angeles, Calif.” Jack Finn Collection
Turn of the Century Main Street
A retouched-photographed-turned-picture-postcard by an unknown printer depicts turn-of-the-century Los Angeles’ Main Street, identified by the “Belasco Theater” signage. The [...]