1544 Electra at Travel Town
Pacific Electric steeple cab no. 1544, better known as Electra, rests in retirement at Los Angeles’ Travel Town circa 1955. Electra is best known as having served the city of San Francisco as part of the clean-up after the 1906 earthquake.
Donald Duke Photo, Pacific Electric Railway Historical Society Collection
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Through many years, Electra has stood at T.T. like an ancient monument testifying to the existence of the great system. It has probably ended up in many family snapshots taken there. Interestingly, this steeple cab’s general slanted shape resembles the early triangular advertising logo of “Old P.E.”. (The words Comfort~Speed~Safety of the later logo were not created by PE, nor their arrangment in a circle. The Cromwell Steamship Company logo found in the 1893 Official Guide, aka O.G., places them in the order Safety~Speed~Comfort on the sides of a lifesaver ring.)
The triangular “Orange Grove Route” logo (c. 1903) can be seen here (but I think the Ocean Shore should have been moved left and Valleys right for a north looking perspective): http://www.sbdepotmuseum.com/photo-histories/streetcars/13254403