
Jack Finn Collection

Jack Finn Collection

Los Angeles Railway emergency car no. 9310 heads out past the City Ford dealership on its way to a repair.
Jack Finn Collection

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  • Alan Weeks

    The 9310 was also a Rail Grinder. It ground smooth the rails but only at night.

  • Ken Harrison

    Alan is quite correct. And notice what is probably the only remaining example of the LARy roof roller sign case. Oh to have the curtain that was in one of these!

  • Bob Davis

    9310 is preserved at Orange Empire. It runs, but a portion of the flange is missing from one wheel.

  • Caesar J. Milch

    The “roller” sign on this Rail Grinder did not have a “roll” in it when it was in use on this rail grinder. Although still back-lit by bulbs, it was a solid etched-glass sign (sanblasted to make the white background frosty) with the “EMERGENCY” painted in black. I have seen one color slide of this car in action at night with red bulbs behind the sign.Carburundum blocks were fitted between the wheels on each side, and were able to be “screwed” down onto the rails by hand wheels in the open center section. There were two of the 55 gallon drums in that section that carried a fluid cutting agent that was dripped onto the rail head as the car was moved back and forth across imperfrctions on the railhead (Mostly at car-stops where arcing would occur and make the rails bumpy.) It was back and forth, back and forth, back and forth all night long!

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