Pacific Electric Conductor Edmund Daniger

From the collection of Douglas Neilson is this undated photo of his grandfather and Pacific Electric conductor Edmund Daniger.

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  • Charles Wherry

    The photos of your grandfather while in the employment of Pacific Electric must date after
    December 14, 1931 as that was his seniority date, the date of his first service for the carrier.
    This “date” is shown on a February 2, 1952 document entitled “System Merged Seniority Roster”
    showing the names and seniority dates of 2299 trainmen and enginemen as well as carrier officers
    who initially began their employment as trainmen, which was the case of Edmund Daniger who is
    shown as being qualified as a ‘Freight Conductor’ and at the time of the roster
    was “On indefinite leave of absence account promotion to official position”.

    The four photos of Edmund on or around freight motor 1607 support the circa 1931 or later
    date as the large numbers on the 1601 class locomotives began after 1927 and there are
    no so-called ‘zebra’ striping evident on the end hoods; that didn’t begin until 1944 with
    white striping followed by adoption of orange stripes in 1949.

    Do you know what ‘official’ position Edmund held in 1952 or later?
    I wish I could identify the locations of the photos, especially the one with the 1607 atop the
    bridgework. Thanks for posting these.

  • Charles Wherry

    Oops, I should’ve looked a bit further regarding Edmund Daniger’s position post 1952.
    Turns out the April 1953 issue of Pacific Electric Magazine has a photo of
    Assistant Trainmaster Daniger congratulating Western District conductor Garlock
    on his (Garlock’s) retirement.

  • Doug Neilson

    Thanks for the dates. I only have stories about his positions in the company. My mother recounted that he moved into management at some point – could that be the promotion talked about? She said he was torn a bit because he was a staunch union man and wouldn’t be if he moved into management. In any case, thanks again for the clarifications.

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1947 Pacific Electric Friendship Train MementosPacific Electric Conductor Edmund Daniger Motor Coach Application